3rd Zagreb Shoulder Course 2013

05.- 06. travanj 2013., Zagreb

3rd Zagreb Shoulder Course 2013

April, 05 – 06, 2013, Zagreb, Croatia

Dear friends and colleagues, It is my great pleasure and honor to invite you to the Third Zagreb Shoulder Course which will be held in Zagreb on April 05-06, 2013. The main goal of this Course is the education of young orthopaedic and trauma surgeons from all around the Europe, with particular accent on those coming from Central and Eastern European countries. In collaboration with my colleagues, Professor Leszek Romanowski and Dr. Przemysław Lubiatowski, from Poznan, Poland, we have decided to have one Shoulder Course every year, one year in Zagreb and second year in Poznan. Next Poznan Course will be in 2014. We will work together to popularize Shoulder and Elbow in the Eastern part of Europe. Both of these courses traditionally have been supported by European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow (SECEC).

We have worked intensively and in close collaboration with our invited speakers to build up very interesting programme with highest quality. The accent of the lectures will be on the surgeon’s approach to the certain subject. For example, my approach to the anterior shoulder instability which includes clinical examination, shoulder imaging, surgical technique, and postoperative rehabilitation. I hope that you will find time to explore Zagreb and have pleasant time in our city. On behalf of Organizing Committee I wish you a very warm welcome to the Third Zagreb Instructional Shoulder Course.

Nikola Cicak, Course Chairman

3rd Zagreb Shoulder Course 2013

Hotel Antunović, Zagrebačka avenija, Zagreb, Croatia

April, 05 – 06, 2013, Zagreb, Croatia

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